
This week’s news

27th September 2019

Let’s catch up!

It is Harvest weekend and it is a great opportunity to give to your local Foodbank!

Harvest is a time to give thanks for all that we have to eat, grow, sow and reep. We want this Harvest to be a happy occasion for all and so we are asking for your help to fulfil everyone’s food boxes!

To do this we desperately need donations of some items of food:

  1. Pasta sauces
  2. squash
  3. UHT milk
  4. Tinned fruit
  5. Tinned meat
  6. Tinned fish
  7. Tinned tomatoes
  8. Biscuits/ Snacks
  9. Coffee
  10. Rice pudding / custard


We would love to say thank you to everyone who has already donated, as always we really appreciate your help and support in feeding those in need.



Step Up September!

It is the end of our volunteer Becky’s Step Up September!

Becky and her two children have been walking 11,000 steps a day to raise money for Cannock and District Foodbank!

Thank you to all who have already donated, it is still not too late to donate if you wish to contribute!

Please click here for Becky’s JustGiving page.

We need you!

Do you have a few hours to spare each week to volunteer for us?

We are looking for…

  1. An office administrator
  2. A volunteer coordinator
  3. 5 Food Centre Volunteers

If you are interested please visit our ‘Volunteer’ Page to find our Volunteer Application Form and how to get in touch with us!


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